Loquacious - Loquat Wild Ale

Loquacious - Loquat Wild Ale

from $15.00

Take even parts; Pale base malt, white wheat, fresh picked Super Pride hops, and the purest spring water known to man, put them in a giant stainless steel fermenter & shake vigorously. Transfer to barrel, add 30kgs of pulped fresh Loquats & turn the oven up to 3 years, bake, blend with Estate Blonde and Loquacious is what you end up with.

A highly crushable mixed ferment Wild Ale that is every bit as complex and aromatic as each of its counterparts. Vibrant aromas of fresh squeezed grapefruit, crisp bread malts with an underlying presence of vanilla and oak transition into loquat peel, pine, finishing with a cavalcade of various citrus and sweet floral hints. Subtle malts, oak wood tones, light whiskey, cherries & vanilla as well as a lingering bittering hop flavor accentuate the characteristic to style dryness, body, haze & acidic bite, which only serves to showcase the Loquat fruit flavor. Loquats might be universally obscure and grandmother-esque, but most fortunately the resulting product is something both Nana & Pop would be thrilled with.

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